
Prior to joining the Connected Learning Research Network, Adar Ben-Eliyahu (Developmental Psychology, PhD Duke University & Experimental Psychology, MA Bar-Ilan University) was a post-doctorate associate at the University of Pittsburgh’s Learning Research and Development Center where she worked with Dr. Christian D. Schunn in the Science Activation Lab. As a MacArthur Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow in the Connected Learning Network, at the Center for Evidence-Based Mentoring at the University of Massachusetts in Boston, Dr. Ben-Eliyahu’s research focuses on how relationships influence learning throughout the lifespan, with a specific focus on motivation, self-regulation, and engagement in academic/work and social life. Dr. Ben-Eliyahu is an expert in the use of structural equation modeling to develop scales using exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses, and the analysis of data using complex mediational models and latent growth curve modeling. She is interested in how using variable-centered and person-centered analyses contributes to our understanding of the data.

Network Members