
Lisa Schwartz was a Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Colorado at Boulder, where she managed the CLRN project led by Professor Kris Gutierrez. Lisa’s research challenges deficit discourses and digital divide narratives for Latino youth by enlisting diversity in adolescent technology access, forms of participation and interests to engage literacy development across multiple discursive and spatial domains.  Lisa’s work involves students, educators and communities in collaboratively examining and designing how emerging digital technologies can mediate new forms of learning and development.  Her endeavors are grounded in an activity theoretical, funds of knowledge and new literacies framework. Lisa has several publications on her longstanding work with Latino secondary school students and teachers in the Arizona borderlands forthcoming.  In 2011 she was a DML summer institute fellow and the recipient of the Marshall Dissertation Fellowship. She also worked with the WiredUp Project on comparative survey research on youth media practices in the Netherlands and Arizona. In the past, Lisa has designed online learning spaces and taught digital storytelling and media creation for the Tree of Life Web Project (, a biology website) and university outreach programs. Additionally she has worked as a k12 teacher and researcher of multimedia studies and science in San Francisco and Arizona.

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