
Nathan Dadey is a Ph.D. candidate whose research interests focus on the design, scaling, and use of educational assessments, particularly assessments used for accountability purposes. His research aims to produce methodical and applied work that contributes to validity evidence to policy relevant inferences made based on assessment results. In terms of assessment design, Nathan has developed interim assessments for a local school district and applied Evidence Centered Design to help develop the longitudinal survey component of the Connected Learning Longitudinal Survey Study. In terms of assessment scaling, Nathan has conducted research on uni- and multidimensional vertical scaling and multilevel full information item factor analysis. His dissertation work uses this later modeling approach to examine how the NAEP in fourth grade mathematics can be used to better differentiate between states. Finally, in terms of assessment use, Nathan has applied Kane’s interpretative argument framework to the use of value added scores in teacher evaluation as part of an internship at the National Center for the Improvement of Educational Assessment. 

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