Longitudinal Study of Connected Learning

Principal Investigators:

Associated Researchers and Staff:


This project within the network is a survey-based research study that is examining children’s participation in connected learning environments in late elementary and middle school and the relationship of participation to valued outcomes. These outcomes include interest development, persistence in learning, civic participation, and development of a positive sense of the future. The CU-Boulder team will work with CLRN network members to develop and pilot the survey at different research sites. The team will oversee data collection and analysis of results. A unique feature of the methodology will be reliance on a team of youth ethnographers as co-researchers on the project. The youth ethnographers will use GIS tools and other digital media to map connected learning opportunities for children and youth in their community and help the survey team refine items related to participation in connected learning environments. The team envisions the youth ethnographers’ maps and the longitudinal data collection feeding into a participatory, community-based process to increase coordination of learning opportunities for children and youth.



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